After all of the hustle and bustle of the holidays it’s hard to be in the mood for home cooking in January. So I rely a lot on my slow cooker, you just can’t go wrong! I’m always on the look out for new and interesting recipes (not to mention simple, a girl only has so many hours in the day!) and came across this one. Healthy and light, but filling and simple – Perfection.

I just had to share.


  • 4 cups torn spinach
  • 2 cups sliced cremini mushrooms
  • 1/2 cup commercial pesto
  • 3/4 cup (3 ounces) shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese
  • 3/4 cup (3 ounces) shredded provolone cheese
  • 1 (15-ounce) carton fat-free ricotta cheese
  • 1 large egg, lightly beaten
  • 3/4 cup (3 ounces) grated fresh Parmesan cheese, divided

1601 Views, 0 Comments

Shadow: Mom and Dad just got back from their yearly trip to Mexico.
Mom is always so much more relaxed when they come back. She calls
it “re-charging” her batteries. That would make sense since Dad refers
to her as the “Every ready Bunny.” (whatever that is) If Mom is a bunny,
she sure is a cute one. Just like our newest member of the household,
Bob, the lop-eared bunny. Very cute I say, just like my Mom. Anyway
it’s good to have them home, and Mom is looking forward to helping a
whole bunch of families find a good home…just like Bob.

Rudy: Bob? What kind of name is Bob for a bunny? What is a bunny
for that matter? Is it a dog? If it is, then call it a dog! Whatever it is, it
sure seems to be getting a whole lot of attention. Attention I am used
to getting by…

1813 Views, 0 Comments

Well we’re back, from Mexico that is. As always it’s good to go and good to come home…even if it’s a 70
degree shift in temperature. While we are gone we monitor the Anchorage Daily News for the weather
and to tell you the truth, watching the ice evaporate in my glass, -5 didn’t exactly nudge me to return
home anytime soon. Both Dave and I agree though, two-weeks from home is just about right. We miss
the dogs (and Bob: see dog article) and business seems to just explode the minute I decide to leave town. I
don’t mind, don’t get me wrong. It’s just that when Dave and I leave, we take half the office with us leaving
Lester the shoulder the brunt of the load with support from Jessie and Kelleigh. I must say he did a bang
up job. In the past have felt more…

1514 Views, 0 Comments

The energy-efficient home upgrades tax credit is scheduled to expire on December 31st this year. If you need to make improvements to your home, this could be an incentive to do it before the end of the year. If you have already made qualifying improvements without realizing the tax credit is available, it may seem like a holiday gift you weren't expecting.

The equipment must be installed to qualify for the credit which can put you under a time crunch. Heating and cooling systems, insulation, windows, doors, skylights, water heaters and home weatherization may qualify.

The Residential Energy Efficiency Tax Credit has been available for purchases since January 1, 2011. The tax credit is 10% of up to $5,000 of qualifying improvements which would make a…

1486 Views, 0 Comments

Rudy the Reindeer

‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house,

All the doggies were stirring, with Sara chasing a mouse.

After all of this action, they all had to pee,

When they saw in the den, someone had planted a tree!

Ah… that object of which all doggies yearn,

One by one, they all took their turn.

Then they all took to scratching the “snow” with their paws,

When one of them noticed the tree was covered with balls.

Sara swatted at one and it suddenly broke

They all became quiet. Nobody spoke.

Then all of a sudden, all heck busted loose,

There in the doorway stood a fat guy with twelve angry moose.

He began throwing boxes under that tree

Hundreds of chew toys is all they could see.

Grabbing his milk as he…

1957 Views, 0 Comments

Most school children would probably say that Thanksgiving dates back to the Pilgrims at Plymouth as early as 1621. By the late 1660’s, it had become traditional to hold a harvest festival in New England.

President George Washington declared the first nation-wide thanksgiving in 1789 “as a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favours of Almighty God.”

One hundred fifty years ago during the Civil War, in October, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed the first national day of Thanksgiving.

William Seward, Lincoln’s secretary of state, drafted the proclamation: “No human counsel hath devised nor hath any mortal hand worked out these great things. They are the…

1391 Views, 0 Comments

It can be a struggle to appreciate great food during the holidays without getting overzealous with the gravy... and candied yams... and buttered rolls... and... well you know. So I set off in search of healthier choices and came across this delicious recipe with tart apples, grainy mustard, cider vinegar and a touch of brown sugar to sauteed kale.

Kale is in, baby. It's hotter than that new album by that band you like. Just because Thanksgiving is a holiday steeped in tradition and routine doesn't mean that you can't jazz up the dinner table with trendy (and healthy) side dishes. Came across this awesome recipe from American Heart Association (so you know it's a goodie!) and it's just divine! Try it for yourself.

Kale Dish


1 tablespoon…

1622 Views, 0 Comments

Two years ago I told Dave, “I hate to run. I’ve never liked it.” Well now I ARE one. A runner
that is. Not only that but I am working hard at becoming a better runner, such that I have
taken out stock in Skinny Raven Sports. Well not perhaps not that committed, but close.
Dave knows that for the last year, Christmas and birthday presents are easy: Skinny Raven
gift certificates, though this year they would be from REI.

I run races all around town all summer benefiting all sorts of causes. One of the best parts
is I have gotten Dave to run them as well. He does it begrudgingly at times, but he sees the
fun in it…I hope.

We also have got caught up in this thing called Bonny Sosa Tuesday Night Race Series.
It’s amazing, and every fall there are races held all…

1835 Views, 0 Comments

Alright it’s way past spring clean-up, but there are still things you may want to check up on going into winter.
Every year there are things we forget that need our attention around the house. Because they tend to be “out of
sight, out of mind”, they become a problem until we finally pay attention to them. Usually it’s either too late or
we are pressed to sell our home and they come up on inspections.
There are really three things that need our attention every year. The main one, and most important is the
furnace. It really should be cleaned and serviced every year. We have it done on all our units annually. It doesn’t
take long for the peace of mind you get. The maintenance person does cleaning, checks the filters and inspects
the heat exchanger which tends to…

7847 Views, 0 Comments