Keep up to date with Mary's furry friends; Shadow, Kovu, Sara, Rudy & Chinook as tales of their misadventures are sure to bring a smile to your face.

Shadow: STOP THE PRESSES! JUST IN: NOOK HAS TRANSISIONED! Yes it seems Nook (the Stallion of a husky) has just gotten into the limo.

Just for the record, (and mom always wants this to be made clear), Rudy and I are speaking from the Rainbow Bridge in the spirit world. Actually, Rudy is usually off playing with the cows so I often write his stuff in. Also here are Alcu, Rex and Pixie. And now NOOK has at last joined us. We have watched him everyday since Dave started taking care of him over two years ago. He is so handsome it's hard not to notice. Where ever he went on their walks people would oooo and ahhh. I know because they did the same thing with me. Not that I am Nook or anything. There is ONLY ONE Nook. And now here he is.

Rudy: Yes, this is…

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Shadow: Well Dad is off on another trip to see his folks in California. HIS Dad is quite sick and his Mom needs his help. So Dad leaves our Mom in charge of the house while he’s gone. I used to miss him when he would leave for a few days, but Mom does a real good job, and he’s home before we knew it.

Rudy: I slept when Dad was home and I slept when he was away. Didn’t real see any difference. Yeah we didn’t move around as much with Mom, you know “do your business and back into the kennel” but guess what: I slept in the kennel too. I mean it’s a big as a car so we could all sleep. Shadow would stand guard and we all would sleep. It was great.

Kovu: Yes. I agree with Rudy. We really do sleep most of the day. Actually we astral travel while we are…

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Shadow: Walking seems so simple. Just put one paw in front of the other
and viola’! You’re walking. Now you may not be going where YOU want to
go, but you’re still walking. This month we are going to be talking about
what you are walking on, not so much where you are going. As for me, I
liked walking next to my dad. Where he walked I walked. It didn’t matter.
Snow. Ice. Rain…
Rudy: RAIN!! Now way Shadow Bob. That’s where I draw the line. In fact,
any H2O derivative is out of my walking tolerance. Water I’m sayin’ is not the
bomb. Not to me. You labs, yeah “water, water everywhere” or something
like that. I am NOT walking anywhere near water. I don’t even walk in the
fog! No good old terra firma for me. I need dirt under…
Kovu: SAND. It’s sand for me. Or used to…

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Shadow: Mom and Dad just got back from their yearly trip to Mexico.
Mom is always so much more relaxed when they come back. She calls
it “re-charging” her batteries. That would make sense since Dad refers
to her as the “Every ready Bunny.” (whatever that is) If Mom is a bunny,
she sure is a cute one. Just like our newest member of the household,
Bob, the lop-eared bunny. Very cute I say, just like my Mom. Anyway
it’s good to have them home, and Mom is looking forward to helping a
whole bunch of families find a good home…just like Bob.

Rudy: Bob? What kind of name is Bob for a bunny? What is a bunny
for that matter? Is it a dog? If it is, then call it a dog! Whatever it is, it
sure seems to be getting a whole lot of attention. Attention I am used
to getting by…

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Rudy the Reindeer

‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house,

All the doggies were stirring, with Sara chasing a mouse.

After all of this action, they all had to pee,

When they saw in the den, someone had planted a tree!

Ah… that object of which all doggies yearn,

One by one, they all took their turn.

Then they all took to scratching the “snow” with their paws,

When one of them noticed the tree was covered with balls.

Sara swatted at one and it suddenly broke

They all became quiet. Nobody spoke.

Then all of a sudden, all heck busted loose,

There in the doorway stood a fat guy with twelve angry moose.

He began throwing boxes under that tree

Hundreds of chew toys is all they could see.

Grabbing his milk as he…

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