The Boys and The Bea….. and Bob
Posted by Mary Cox on
Shadow: STOP THE PRESSES! JUST IN: NOOK HAS TRANSISIONED! Yes it seems Nook (the Stallion of a husky) has just gotten into the limo.
Just for the record, (and mom always wants this to be made clear), Rudy and I are speaking from the Rainbow Bridge in the spirit world. Actually, Rudy is usually off playing with the cows so I often write his stuff in. Also here are Alcu, Rex and Pixie. And now NOOK has at last joined us. We have watched him everyday since Dave started taking care of him over two years ago. He is so handsome it's hard not to notice. Where ever he went on their walks people would oooo and ahhh. I know because they did the same thing with me. Not that I am Nook or anything. There is ONLY ONE Nook. And now here he is.
Rudy: Yes, this is…
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