Shadow: Walking seems so simple. Just put one paw in front of the other
and viola’! You’re walking. Now you may not be going where YOU want to
go, but you’re still walking. This month we are going to be talking about
what you are walking on, not so much where you are going. As for me, I
liked walking next to my dad. Where he walked I walked. It didn’t matter.
Snow. Ice. Rain…
Rudy: RAIN!! Now way Shadow Bob. That’s where I draw the line. In fact,
any H2O derivative is out of my walking tolerance. Water I’m sayin’ is not the
bomb. Not to me. You labs, yeah “water, water everywhere” or something
like that. I am NOT walking anywhere near water. I don’t even walk in the
fog! No good old terra firma for me. I need dirt under…
Kovu: SAND. It’s sand for me. Or used to be. I can’t get anywhere in sand.
But this last weekend we went up to this lake in the Valley, and boy was it
tough sledding. I was falling through the snow and slipping on the ice. It was
miserable. My legs were so sore, yet next morning out we go to do our business.
Why couldn’t we just do our business inside, like dad. Just this once. What I’m
saying here is for me..
Sara: Anything is just fine. Snow. Ice. Sand (whatever that is). Even fog. All
the same to me. I am out there! Out where the action is and a little bad
footing isn’t going to stop me. Sure when I’m herding those silly German
Shepherds at the park I need good footing, but I really don’t chase…I
corner. And as long as I can make my corners, it’s good footing. I just dig
Nook: NO ICE. The other day I went cardinal headings man. All fours
went all fours. North. South. East. West. Dad had to lift me up. Very
embarrassing for a Husky. Embarrassing for any dog, but especially for a
Husky. In Alaska! That’s it. No ice for me. I’ll do rain, snow OR fog. Bobby
the bunny. What about you my little chum. What’s the best footing for
Bobby: Uhhh…Carpet. Thank you.

Posted by Mary Cox on


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