Found 3 blog entries tagged as Home inspection.

Checklists work because they contain the important things that need to be done. They provide a reminder about things we know and realize but may have slipped our minds as well as inform us about things we didn’t consider. Periodic attention to these areas can protect the investment in your home.

  1. Change HVAC filters regularly. Consider purchasing a supply of the correct sizes needed onlineand they’ll even remind you when it’s time to order them again.
  2. Change batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors annually.
  3. Create and regularly update a Home Inventory to keep track of personal belongings in case of burglary or casualty loss.
  4. Keep track of capital improvements, with a Homeowners Tax Guide, made to your home throughout the year…

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Well we returned from visiting family in Salt Lake City to find a nice, thin veneer of the white stuff on the lawn and driveway. So the termination dust has made its way down to terminate what was a really great summer. The weather cooperated nicely for all outside activities. I hope you feel the same.

Just a note: We remembered to take our mowers in for a tune up around April, but sometimes that snow blower gets left for years without any similar attention. That is the case around here as Dave checked the oil in the little red beast before we left and it is coal black and the consistency of his coffee. It weighs about twice what the mower does, he will have to wait for our son Chris to help him get it into the Jeep but it IS going to the shop! Last…

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Alright it’s way past spring clean-up, but there are still things you may want to check up on going into winter.
Every year there are things we forget that need our attention around the house. Because they tend to be “out of
sight, out of mind”, they become a problem until we finally pay attention to them. Usually it’s either too late or
we are pressed to sell our home and they come up on inspections.
There are really three things that need our attention every year. The main one, and most important is the
furnace. It really should be cleaned and serviced every year. We have it done on all our units annually. It doesn’t
take long for the peace of mind you get. The maintenance person does cleaning, checks the filters and inspects
the heat exchanger which tends to…

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