Two years ago I told Dave, “I hate to run. I’ve never liked it.” Well now I ARE one. A runner
that is. Not only that but I am working hard at becoming a better runner, such that I have
taken out stock in Skinny Raven Sports. Well not perhaps not that committed, but close.
Dave knows that for the last year, Christmas and birthday presents are easy: Skinny Raven
gift certificates, though this year they would be from REI.

I run races all around town all summer benefiting all sorts of causes. One of the best parts
is I have gotten Dave to run them as well. He does it begrudgingly at times, but he sees the
fun in it…I hope.

We also have got caught up in this thing called Bonny Sosa Tuesday Night Race Series.
It’s amazing, and every fall there are races held all over town on Tuesday night. The races
are for children to adults to very fast adults, known as Munchkins, Farm and Lightening

It can be anywhere from 3 to 5 miles for the Farm, which is where we run, but the Lightening
often goes a bit farther, and of course faster. Usually it’s a very hilly course and sometimes,
like a month ago, it goes through the mud and rain and over creeks that have swollen to
overflowing. GREAT FUN for me and my friend Mark. Not so much fun for Dave, I’m
afraid he doesn’t like to run in the rain and mud.

I guess he’s just a ‘stick in the mud’ but he’s a good sport. Like we wrote two months ago,
he did the 16 mile Lost Lake Run without so much as a whimper, just a lot of moaning and

Oh yeah, and these Tuesday night deals are quite the deal. There can be hundreds of people
show up if the weather is good enough. Good enough meaning no wind, rain and darkness
which there seems to be quite a bit of lately. So if you like to run, you should look into it.
I’m sure you’ll see some folks you know, that you didn’t know…run!

Posted by Mary Cox on


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