Well we’re back, from Mexico that is. As always it’s good to go and good to come home…even if it’s a 70
degree shift in temperature. While we are gone we monitor the Anchorage Daily News for the weather
and to tell you the truth, watching the ice evaporate in my glass, -5 didn’t exactly nudge me to return
home anytime soon. Both Dave and I agree though, two-weeks from home is just about right. We miss
the dogs (and Bob: see dog article) and business seems to just explode the minute I decide to leave town. I
don’t mind, don’t get me wrong. It’s just that when Dave and I leave, we take half the office with us leaving
Lester the shoulder the brunt of the load with support from Jessie and Kelleigh. I must say he did a bang
up job. In the past have felt more comfortable calling every couple of days while I’m gone anytime, but
this time I only ended up calling once for a conference call that couldn’t be avoided. Not that there wasn’t
a lot of business: There was. There was just a lot of texting instead, which seemed to get the job done.

I was able to keep up my daily workouts while I was down there by doing a 2 mile run on the beach and
my daily WOD (Workout Of the Day for Cross Fit). I would get up and get dressed and of course ask Dave if
he wanted to come along. He would look around at the shear- white curtains blowing into the room, the
sound of waves crashing in his ears and the strong scent of coffee waffling though the air and respond
“Hmm…give me a minute to think about it.” I didn’t wait around for the full minute as everyday it was
the same implied answer. He loves to just lie around in the shaded areas and read and that is just fine.

So as we look forward to a brand new year, we begin with Dave as the full-time Buyer’s Agent ( he has
closed the photo studio) and Lester as part time Buyer’s Agent as well as full time Transaction Coordinator.
That is a change from last year and for the best. Support is Jessie who is very busy with her walking,
cheerful handful known as Jemma, her beautiful daughter and Kelleigh, still a newlywed, with her man

Next month will be our “State of the Market” review so stay tuned for that.


Take Care,

Mary Cox

Posted by Mary Cox on


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